- Ignitor - KLY1-18-V20 (Mazda)
- Coil - KLY1-18-V80 (Mazda)
UK owners - individual parts are available from Ford UK
- Coil - 3974598 (Ford, £33.15)
- Ignitor - 3974599 (Ford)
The TSB is known to all Ford main dealers.
A new entire distributor is not required - just the parts.
Causation is thermal overload causing permanent damage to the transistor
in the ignitor module as the semiconductor substrate breaks down. Typical
causes are heat-soak or hot conditions.
An alternative failure can be the Crank Angle Sensor, at the Crank Pulley end which can have 2 failure modes - temperature (cold mornings) and complete failure. 1993/94 cars have two crank sensors therefore - distributor and crank pulley end, this is not true of later vehicles. Failures of the crank angle sensor, a hall-effect-switch with no moving parts is rare.
Full installation details are available giving photographs to support the ignitor/coil change procedure.
Last Upload: 14th April, 2002. V1.50a
URL: http://homepage.ntlworld.com/dorothy.bradbury/probemx/p_p4.htm